the Samples



RAS Commission

on the study of the scientific heritage of outstanding scientists

(N.N. Moiseev)

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Faculty of Global Processes

International Independent Environmental and Political University

Scientific academic school of future scientists of Russian academic science







Peace and Science in the XXI Century:

Global Challenges and Risks
















УДК 001.18 (063)

ББК 63.3 (0) + 72




Doctor of physics sciences, prof., E.V. Barkova,

Doctor of technical sciences, prof., Ya.D. Vishnyakov,

Doctor of physics and mathematics sciences, prof. A.M. Tarko,

Doctor of economic sciences, prof. S.G. Kharchenko



Peace and Science in the XXI Century: Global Challenges and Risks: Collection of Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Peace and Science in the XXI Century: Global Challenges and Risks», Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020 / foreword by Acad. E.G. Evtushenko, Acad. M.Ch. Zalikhanov, Corresponding Member Yu.M. Baturin; under total. ed. of prof. I.V. Ilyin, prof. MNEPU S.A. Stepanov; comp. docent. G.V. Verzybok, ed. G.R. Isakova. — M .: Publishing house MNEPU, 2020. — ______ p.

The collection includes reports and speeches of the conference participants, which examine the problems of our time, relevant for science and practice in the context of global challenges and risks.

The work of this conference was a continuation of the discussion of scientific problems in the world and science, started at the RAS during the international scientific and practical forum (2019), the annual Moiseev Readings — the results of the XXYIII international scientific and practical conference (March 2020).

The section of the collection «Priority complex scientific problems» includes reports on topics: Noospheric ideas of V.I. Vernadsky and N.N. Moiseev in modern science; Historical memory in the formation of a modern scientific picture of the world in the context of global challenges and risks; Actual issues of scientific research of globalization processes; Philosophical, pedagogical and scientific and technological aspects of sustainable development; The global ecological crisis and Russia’s place in overcoming its consequences; Applied mathematics, systems analysis theory and control theory in modern research.

The parts of the collection of reports by sections of the conference reflects the vision of its participants on various problems in the modern world from the standpoint of social, humanitarian and natural-technical sciences / disciplines.

The book is interdisciplinary in nature and is addressed to both researchers, employees and specialists of various institutions and organizations, and a wide range of readers.


УДК 001.18 (063)

ББК 63.3(0) + 72


ISBN 978-5-7383-0423-1


© Collective of authors


